Thursday, August 6, 2009

First Post!

I've just started my blog today. I leave for Taiwan on August 22nd and today is August the 6th, so there's only 16 days until I leave! Getting organized, getting nervous, getting more excited....A little overwhelming ahah. That is to be expected though. I believe things are going as they should emotionally haha. Except that my mother is losing her mind (her words exactly, not mine!).

Anyway, I'm not sure about how frequent my blog posts will be when I get overseas. Frequent contact with home is discouraged by Rotary but I'll do what I can! I'll try to at least post pictures since those are really what people want to see haha. So, here are a few pictures from Grand Rapids in July.

1st pic: Supporters of Brasil during the Brasil vs The World soccer game....Brasil won (again).
2nd pic: A bunch of outbound students from my Rotary district (6330 woot!) plus Kushit, an inbound to the states from India.
3rd pic: Bo! My little friend from Thailand who was in our district but in the northern Michigan part.
4th pic: Me and my husband, Kushit. I'm his second wife. No, don't ask haha.


  1. The Rotary Club of Port Elgin, ON, CanadaAugust 7, 2009 at 9:56 AM

    Good Luck Elyse / Bonne voyage,

    Work very hard in school but save a very little time for fun, fun, fun and extra curricular activities.


    Mike for The Rotary Club of Port Elgin, ON, Canada, eh.

  2. Scott, Mom, Neil, Diana, Kevin, Wogman, Weenie, Gramma & GregAugust 7, 2009 at 10:01 PM

    Good luck Elyse! WE are all very proud of you!

  3. haha:)
    i am interested to your husband XD

  4. Thanks Mike, the Fam Jam, and Hannah!

    Ps Hannah, you cannot have my husband! :P

  5. Hahahahaha....LOVE the blog idea hunnie!! Even if you don´t have much time to write, you are an amazing, brilliant, creative young woman who is going to blossom through this experience in ways you have yet to fathom. If you make the time to write, even if it is once a week, make it a will be creatively satisfied and stimulated and...later on, you will be happy that you did it...

    Remember, even the young don´t remember all the freaking cool, hysterical, crazy and bizarre things that happen to them...¨Writing It Down¨...not just for OLD people, like your Auntie Lari :)

    HUGEST OF SMOOCHIES AND HUGS!!!! I am jealous and pleased for the adventure you are about to have! :) And UNBELIEVABLY f*ing PROUD of you!!!

